The paintings…

If less than 200 paintings are truly available through the ‘websites’, with each being a limited edition of 300, then where will the others go? I like the idea that some form of ‘reward’ for following everything that’s going on would involve this, or perhaps there’ll be a further event, somewhere, somehow, enabling.

Is anyone planning to buy any of these, were they to become available any time soon?

If this were to be a way of getting people excited about the potential opening of a shopping cart enabling us to buy LOST-related paintings, I would genuinely have to laugh…

Also (note to self, really, I’m sure this is the kind of thing all people know!) ‘Actually, it’s ketchup’ is what Hurley says to Ana Lucia in S5Ep02, The Lie, when he appears to be covered in blood, but, in fact, isn’t.

Wondering what other characters’ websites would be named. ? (Locke, obvs) or ? (Kate) (Sayid) (Claire), …you get the idea XD Any ideas anyone?

ETA: There’s another ‘typo’ in the blurb for the Hurley pic – another weird spacing. So, from the first entry at the Hub, there’s “s taying”, “a s”, and from this one “shippi ng” (which, if you put some letters together in a not-altogether-arbitrary fashion, gives you ‘sang’)…and then there’s also “o f”. Accident? Deliberate? Who knows?! ETA again: The text seems to have been altered since the painting was made available to buy, with additional spacing for “ot her” and there’s a ‘t’ missing from “there”.

I can think of no other time I have been so daft about potential typos *facepalm*

ETA2: I hope that incorrect possessive apostrophe is also some kind of deliberate clue…misplaced apostrophes make me angry…

ETA3: Pictures from last night at The Hub. Looks like fun, and still like bizarre fun at that! Love the DHARMA jumpsuit and the hatch – of all the things to put there, why the hatch? Did anyone get a look down inside?!

Also, two misplaced apostrophes. Hmmm =P

The Hurley painting is now showing up as available to buy, which is rather nifty. If I had the money, I’d be very, very tempted…